                                                                                                                    Dated: 08-9-2018

Notified for general information to all concerned that all the teacher trainees of D.El.Ed First year under ODL mode, SCERT  of Salakati College (Jr.) Study centre are requested to do their "School Based Activities" as per the guideline attached where with the following and submit the same to the office on or before 14-10-2018.

D.El.Ed Study Centre,
Salakati College (Jr.).

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Guidelines for
C. Maintenance of Workbook

            The practicum course “School based Activities” under “GROUP C: Maintenance of Workbook” consists of activities which are to be undertaken in your school. These activities are intended to develop the skills of the learners to proceed in a systematic way, organize various activates for the children, note the problems in their development and find out a workable solution to make teaching learning milieu more prolific and effective.
The workbook has been designed in the form of a dairy where you have to write what and how you have done the activities mentioned below-

1.      Addressing morning assembly
Nature of Activity: Yu are required to address the morning assembly of your school at least two days in a week on various topics appropriate for elementary school students such as moral lesson, short speech on some great personalities, formation of good health and hygiene habit, about some new inventions, discoveries, facts, etc.

2.      Maintenance of registers and records
Nature of Activity: You are required to maintain various kinds of registers and records such as daily attendance register, admission register, progress report, etc.

3.      Organizing co-curricular activities
Nature of Activity: You are required to organize various types of co-curricular activities in your school, such as games, cultural activities, literary completions, etc. At least once in a year.

4.      Organizing PTA meeting
Nature of Activity: You are required to organize Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) meeting to discuss various issues such as progress f their students, administrative problem, educational issues, etc. From time to time.

5.      Pre-class, during-class, post-class preparation
Nature of Activity: You are required to yourself, your activities, methods to be used for pre class, during class and post class sessions.

6.      Maintenance of hygiene amongst students
Nature of Activity: You are required to check whether your students are maintaining hygiene like cleanliness of nails, cloths, hands, teeth etc. And maintain hygiene amongst your students during mid day meal.

7.      Organizing excursions
Nature of Activity: You are required to organize excursion to a place which will benefit your students. The place may be a zoo, a village, a place of historical importance, museum, a sanctuary etc.

8.      Innovative techniques for group teaching
Nature of Activity: some subjects or topics are there like environmental studies where more than one teacher can teach for more fruitful outcome. You are required to create innovative techniques and plan how you will teach in group accordingly.

9.      Developing teaching aids/models
Nature of Activity: Teaching aids are more an important element for teaching effectively. So, you are required to develop various teaching aids in accordance with the subject matter and level of the students.

10. Conducting formative evaluation
Nature of Activity: You must carry out formative evaluation to evaluate your students using various types of tools for evaluation and also take appropriate follow-up measures accordingly. Please refer to the Course-3, Unit-5 to know more about the formative evaluation.

11. Counselling special learners and slow learners
Nature of Activity: No two individuals are same. Some may learn quickly, some are slow in learning and some may be special learners (visually impaired, hard of hearing or physically disables). You are required to find out the special learners and slow learners of your class through observation and also from the results of the formative evaluation. After recognizing the special and slow learners you are required to counsel them accordingly to eliminate or minimize their problem and help them to learn in an effective way.

12. Classroom management techniques
Nature of Activity: You are required to manage your class by applying various methods/techniques which think are appropriate for the class or for that particular situation.

Some activates stated above are to be carried out regularly but some other activities like organizing excursions, organizing PTA may not be done regularly. Yu have to write your undertakings in the workbook which will be signed by the mentor every third day for authentication. You have to maintain the workbook for a period of three months from the date of commencement of the course and submit it to the respective study centres in due time which will be evaluated.

Rating Scale for the Evaluator

For evaluating the workbook rating scale has been developed to assist the evaluator. This is also a 7 point rating scale and the grading are to be given in same procedure that has been mentioned in the ‘Practical Handbook1’

Criteria                                                                                      Rating Scale

Consistency of the activities                                              1    2    3    4    5    6    7       
Innovativeness in the undertakings                                  1    2    3    4    5    6    7        
Relevance of the activity for the particular time                        1    2    3    4    5    6   7        
Clarity of the activities                                                       1    2    3    4    5    6   7        
Authentication                                                                      1    2    3    4    5    6   7         

Overall rating-

Overall grade-

Signature of the Evaluator

................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................

Signature of the Mentor


  1. thank you for sharing this article this is very helpful to understanding for more information visit


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